More example sentences ‘He was a prime advocate of arguments supporting the holding of terrorism suspects without access to courts.’ ‘He is also an advocate of strong financial support for graduate students and their research.’
Usage examples for "advocate" in English. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.
1 Law School for Public Interest Advocates. In a sentence using passive voice, the subject is acted upon. Examples: a. active voice: The police officer arrested That impact can be positive or negative. An advocate is not a person to simply choose without thought and discussion. The wrong advocate can have a serious Translations in context of "ADVOCATE" in english-swedish.
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However the main advocacy program. Sometimes, in the jumble of advocacy and. Trip Advisor: Consumer advocacy and options. My advocacy for feminism is part of my wish to. How to use advocate in a sentence. The advocate list of example sentences with advocate.
2050654 I'm just playing the devil's advocate. CK 1 1093383 Tom isn't very good at playing the devil's advocate.
Sentence Examples Examples from Classical Literature So the advocate cross-examined, though it cannot be said that he had the better of Betty. The advocate of creation is in this matter in no worse position than the evolutionist.
Judi olahraga Gun control advocates include a number of NGOs and political organizations that believe it is the To argue for this, they give examples of various historical regulations even before the They also cite part of the sentence in the Columbia v. 2 feb. 2016 — The law imposes a minimum sentence of five years in prison on repeat offenders.
Advocate in a sentence 1. I don't advocate doing such things. 2.
an advocate of strict observance of ritualistic forms. 14. They advocate a justice system that works on the principle of an eye for an eye.
See more. Definition of advocate in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of advocate with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of advocate and its etymology. Related words - advocate synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. Example sentences containing advocate
Sentences 2 and 5 also show us the deletion or vocalization of post-vocalic (after a vowel) -r, as in "Befo'" and "ovah.' Although this occurs in other American English dialects, it is more common in AAVE, and occurs in some linguistic environments (e.g. in word internal positions, as in "Ca'ol" for "Carol") where other dialects don't allow it.
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Examples of advocate in a Sentence Noun … two of nanotechnology's biggest advocates square off on a fundamental question that will dramatically affect the future development of this field. Example Sentences I agree with what you say, but I’ll play devil’s advocate so that we can cover all the possibilities that may arise. He offered to play devil’s advocate and argue against our case so that we could find out any flaws in it. The schoolmaster often played devil’s advocate with his Examples of advocate of in a sentence: 1. She was not an advocate of killing at all.
-provides them with examples of times when they need to advocate. The Advocacy Guide is a downloadable e-book that teaches you how to advocate for your issue and get your voice heard in Congress. .
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Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. ADP points out in this connection that, according to the last sentence of As the Advocate General has demonstrated at paragraphs 107 to 113 of his
English words and Examples of Usage use "advocate" in a sentence Having said that, let me, for a change, play the devil's advocate. Some advocate that cages are safer for hens, the statement reads. A climate refugee advocate talked to DW about future perspectives. I hate that women mindlessly follow it and men advocate it.
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The results of your research will also shape your advocacy – for example, For each group, explain in one sentence how they can help you achieve your goal.
🔊 As a teacher, I am a strong advocate for parental involvement in … How to use Advocate in a sentence with Advocate sentence examples: Chandra sekar, Villivakkam-Advocate Thiru . K . P . Satish Kumar, Anna Examples of passionate advocate in a sentence, how to use it. 19 examples: Her charisma as a visionary thinker and passionate advocate comes through… 21+1 sentence examples: 1.