The ISSCR abstract submission payment is for abstract processing and does NOT include meeting registration. Payment must be made via credit card. Each regular abstract submission is $75; Late-Breaking Abstract submission fee is $75


ISSLS prize winner: Function After Spinal Treatment, Exercise, and Rehabilitation (FASTER): a factorial randomized trial to determine whether the functional outcome of spinal surgery can be improved Spine (Phila Pa 1976) .

Reach a Global HEOR Audience. ISPOR conferences draw thousands of attendees from the global HEOR community, including researchers, regulators, payers, decision makers, and global thought leaders. Login instructions along with access to the online abstracts will be shared with delegates one week before the meeting. Included in your registration fee is access to the conference recordings on demand (available within a week after the conference) for any sessions that you miss, and will be available for up to 30 days. 1) Abstract submission opens January 14, 2021. 2) You must login to the conference system via the SMM website.

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Abstract submission is closed An international panel of experts will review and select abstracts for presentations. The first (presenting) author will receive a confirmation of acceptance, or a notice of rejection, by email in a few weeks. The submission due date has been extended until June 1st, 2020, 23:59 GMT sharp. ISSTT2020 Scientific Advisory Committee has decided to make the proceeding more visible by fulfilling requirements of scientific citation database Scopus. This will be done in collaboration with NRAO electronic ISSTT Proceeding Library . The Call for Abstracts is now closed.

View the frequently asked questions (FAQ) about abstract submission. Calls for abstracts in 2021.

abstract from the proceedings of the first annual PSANZ Congress in 1997. Searching was used by the PSANZ when abstracts are first submitted to the. Congress for ISSLS). Spine 1999; 24: 425–7. 30 Jackson KR, Daluiski A, Kay RM.

3. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

Tao's abstract, Targeting Cartilage EGFR Pathway for Osteoarthritis Treatment, has Spinal Unit Post Menopause" was selected for a poster presentation at the ORS 2021 Annual Meeting! ISSLS 2017 Best Paper Award - Sarah Gul

Please prepare your abstract in an extra e. g. Word-file before moving on to the online system. 2. Abstracts can only be submitted online via the online abstract submission form. 3. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

Regular abstract submission is closed for ISSCR 2020. Abstract acceptance and presentation notifications sent by 17 April, 2020; Oral and Poster presenters must accept by 29 April, 2020; Oral and Poster presenters must register by 1 June, 2020 Abstract submission is now closed. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to all submitting authors by mid-April 2020..

Issls abstract submission

The program committee is now reviewing the abstracts submitted and will present a preliminary program in the beginning of February. The 47th ISSLS Annual Meeting is a combined meeting with Spineweek and will take place in Melbourne, Australia on April 27-May 1 Abstract submission is closed. Information about accepted abstracts will be sent out in the middle of December. All presenters with accepted abstracts (oral presentations, special poster presentations, general posters) for the 2021 ISSLS meeting must submit a presentation in pdf format (E-Poster) by the above deadline: Within the E-Poster file, it is possible to embed photos and graphic files (e.g. .jpeg, .gif, and .png).

Submission open from 21 February to 10 April, 2019 Abstract acceptance and presentation notifications sent by 29 April, 2018 Late-breaking poster presenters must accept AND register by 8 May, 2019 Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted! GENERAL 1. Please prepare your abstract in an extra e. g.
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The discrepancies between the abstract and the full-text publication were examined, Therefore, nonpublication of abstracts was usually due to failure to submit the at major spine specialty society meetings (NASS, SRS, ISSLS),” Sp

Do not include videos or animations If you have any questions regarding the program, your abstract, or want to change presenting author etc., please email All Abstracts All presenters with accepted abstracts (oral presentations, special poster presentations, general posters) for the 2021 ISSLS meeting must submit a presentation in pdf format (E-Poster) by the above deadline and according to the instructions below. ISSLS 2022 Annual Meeting to be held at Boston, USA The ISSLS Annual Meeting 2022 will be held from May 9 - 13, 2022 in Boston.

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2018 ISSLS Meeting Banff, Canada May 14-18. Program book 2018 Abstract book 2018. 2017 ISSLS Meeting Athens, Greece May 29-June 2. Program Athens 2017 Abstracts Athens 2017. 2016 ISSLS Meeting/Spineweek, Singapore May 16-20. Program Spineweek 2016 Abstract book 2016. 2015 ISSLS Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA June 8-12. Program San Francisco 2015

We would like to thank all the submitters for their contribution.