Namnändring från Seamless Distribution AB till Invuo Technologies AB den 21 december. 2012. Ny notering på Nordiska listan 13 juni. Överförd från First North.


Invuo's CEO, John Longhurst, commented, "The sale of SEQR completes another key element of Invuo's turnaround initiated in July this year, and enables us to enter 2018 with full focus on our B2B

Inuvo’s unique technology and partnerships enables a sophisticated mix of search and display ads, which are highly viewable, relevant, and calibrated to enhance the user experience. Invuo Mar 2013 - Present 8 years 2 months. Conway, AR - Lead the Alot brand of digital properties including,, and - Build a team of editors and

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2018E. 2019E. Omsättning (MSEK). 275. 182. 130.

Ny notering på Nordiska listan 13 juni. Överförd från First North. STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Betalningsteknikbolaget Invuo, som handelsstoppades i fredags, har beviljats konkurs av Stockholms tingsrätt i dag, måndag.

Stock analysis for Invuo Technologies AB (INVUO) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.

E-postadress: SEADF Market Cap as of today (April 07, 2021) is $8.21 Mil. In depth view into Invuo Technologies AB Market Cap explanation, calculation, historical data and more Invuo will provide regular updates to the Market in the coming weeks. For further information, please contact: John Longhurst , CEO, , +46-8-564-878-00 Invuo received a non-refundable deposit of SEK 1 million from AJ Group at the beginning of April, but on the last day of that month, it announced that the full payment had been delayed. Invuo Technologies, which runs the MeaWallet mobile payments system, has decided to file an application for bankruptcy as it is evident that the company has become insolvent.

My previous employers include the Swedish Data Authortity, Dun & Bradstreet, Sida, VINNOVA, Predictive Sales, Intrum Justitia and Seamless/Invuo 

The Company  Stock analysis for Invuo Technologies AB (INVUO) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Invuo Technologies AB – Org.nummer: 556610-2660.

Invuo Technologies AB – Org.nummer: 556610-2660. På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m..
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View Reports and Share Information of Invuo Technologies AB | Euronext Amsterdam, Information Technology-Software. Invuo. branding and website design. Invuo Technologies AB - formerly Seamless AB.

Invuo beslutar om nyemissioner och säljer SDS-lånen till AJ Group . Invuo Technologies AB (publ) (“Invuo”) har träffat ett avtal med AJ Group (”AJ Här samlar vi alla artiklar om Invuo (tidigare Seamless Distribution Systems).
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My previous employers include the Swedish Data Authortity, Dun & Bradstreet, Sida, VINNOVA, Predictive Sales, Intrum Justitia and Seamless/Invuo 

Vänligen kontakta vår kundservice för mer information. Invuo Technologies AB. Invuo IKEA använder AI och bildigenkänning, scanna antalet köttbullar du lassar på i restaurangen Redaktion Martin Edenström AI, Machine Learning, Botar, Check out/Kassasystem, CXM, Nyheter mars 12, 2021 Betalningsteknikbolaget Invuo, som handelsstoppades i fredags, kommer på idag måndag lämna in en konkursansökan efter bolaget blivit insolvent och alltså inte kan betala sina skulder.. Invuo Technologies AB (publ) BESLUT . Disciplinnämnden ålägger Invuo Technologies AB att till Nasdaq Stockholm betala ett vite motsvarande sju årsavgifter.

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Invuo Technologies AB, formerly Seamless Distribution AB, is a Sweden-based company engaged in the mobile payments. The Company provides prepaid systems and mobile payment services for mobile operators, distributors, retailers and consumers. Its activities are divided into two segments: Transaction Switch and Distribution.

Inga kända nyheter har presenterats under dagen. Merparten av avsluten har skett via handelsplatser så som Nordnet och Avanza. Invuo Technologies AB – Org.nummer: 556610-2660. På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m.