operativt i USA. Ronny Lie, Kommunikasjonsdirektør, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA, Jan Erik Hoff, Direktør Investor Relations, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA,


PwC är Sveriges ledande företag inom revision, skatterådgivning, verksamhetsutveckling, corporate finance och annan revisionsnära rådgivning.

This is where we share content about who we are, what we KONGSBERG GRUPPEN ASA Stock technical analysis with dynamic chart and Real-time Quote | Oslo Bors: KOG | Oslo Bors Kongsberg Gruppen ASA - Climate Change 2020 C0. Introduction C0.1 (C0.1) Give a general description and introduction to your organization. Kongsberg Gruppen (KONGSBERG) is an international technology group that delivers advanced and reliable solutions that improve safety, security and performance in complex operations and under extreme conditions. Kongsberg Gruppen ASA is located in KONGSBERG, VIKEN, Norway and is part of the Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Industry. Kongsberg Gruppen ASA has 69 employees at this location and generates $2.62 billion in sales (USD). There are 171 companies in the Kongsberg Gruppen ASA corporate family. Kongsberg Gruppen jekkes opp etter milliardavtale: En «døråpner» for nye missilkontrakter. DNB Markets tar opp anbefalingen og kursmålet på Kongsberg Gruppen etter gjennombrudd i USA. Meglerhuset ser inntektsmuligheter på 154 milliarder kroner.

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Kongsberg Maritime - Sensors and Robotics, Horten. Les mer. VP Sales - USA. Kongsberg Maritime Inc., USA. Les mer. Principal Electrical Design Engineer. Kongsberg Maritime - Deck Machinery and Motion Control, Gateshead. Les mer.

VP Sales - USA. Kongsberg Maritime Inc., USA. Les mer. Principal Electrical Design Engineer.

The Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, Kongsberg Maritime and Kongsberg Digital business areas achieved organic growth of 23, 21 and 18 per cent respectively compared to Q3 2018. "We"ve delivered a strong quarter for the company as a whole, with greater profitability in all business areas.

2021-04-16 · Kongsberg Gruppen ASA published this content on 16 April 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 16 April 2021 11:34:01 UTC. KONGSBERG GRUPPEN ASA : Forcasts, revenue, earnings, analysts expectations, ratios for KONGSBERG GRUPPEN ASA Stock | KOG | NO0003043309 Kongsberg Gruppen vil sende 2,75 mrd. til aksjonærene. Kongsberg Gruppen vil både betale et ekstraordinært utbytte og kjøper tilbake aksjer etter at selskapet solgte verdier for milliarder i USA. Samtidig varsler selskapet at sparemålet for Rolls-Royce-kjøpet fremskyndes.

Kongsberg Gruppen, Kongsbergs kommun. 64 858 gillar · 807 pratar om detta · 512 har varit här. Welcome to KONGSBERG's official Facebook page. This is where we share content about who we are, what we

The Company’s operations are structured into three operating segments: Kongsberg Gruppen levererar lösningar till olje- och gasindustrin, sjöfart, försvars- och flygindustrin. Koncernen bedrivs via dotterbolag med vardera affärsinriktning.

0,00. Få detaljerad information om Kongsberg Automotive ASA (KOA) aktie inklusive kurs, diagram, tekniska analyser, empirisk data, Kongsberg Automotive ASA  USA:s flygvapen vill ha norska robotar till Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) från försvarsföretaget Kongsberg Gruppen. Affären kan vara värd 23-28  Aktien Kongsberg Gruppen med ISIN-beteckning NO0003043309.
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Kongsberg Protech Systems USA Corporation has 170 total employees across all of its locations and generates $30.61 million in sales (USD). 2021-04-16 Kongsberg Gruppen (KONGSBERG) is an international technology group that delivers advanced and reliable solutions that improve safety, security and performance in complex operations and under extreme conditions. KONGSBERG works with demanding customers in the global defence, maritime, oil and gas, fisheries and aerospace sectors. About Kongsberg Gruppen ASA Kongsberg Gruppen ASA develops, manufactures and markets high-technology aerospace and defense products, as well as systems for armed forces in Norway and other 2021-02-11 2021-04-16 Kongsberg Gruppen.

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Kongsberg Gruppen ASA is located in KONGSBERG, VIKEN, Norway and is part of the Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Industry. Kongsberg Gruppen ASA has 69 employees at this location and generates $2.62 billion in sales (USD). There are 171 companies in the Kongsberg Gruppen ASA corporate family. KSAT is a world leading provider of communication services for spacecraft and launch vehicles from our uniquely located global ground network, and provides advanced monitoring services with rapid delivery based on multiple satellite missions. Kongsberg Gruppen ASA includes group functions such as Finance/Accounting, Communications, Legal, Human Resources, Investor Relations, Business Development and Compliance.