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World in Property AB Götgatan 15 411 05 Göteborg org nr: 559064-5098 Konferens: Map-Star Property Group, LLC is a Nevada Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed On April 8, 2021. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is E13712362021-0. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Nevada Corporate Headquarters, Inc and is located at 4730 S. Fort Apache Rd Suite 300, Las Vegas, NV 89147. Cohesive Group's involvement with South Star - Ngāi Tahu Property began at the feasibility stage, where our quantity surveyors and designers worked with the client to rev 2021-04-09 Tara Property Group - Property Buyers Advocate, helping you buy the Right Property at the Right Price and avoid the mistakes most buyers make. We are Starr Property. Welcome to Starr Property Group… Your Property Matchmakers!!!