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Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50. Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company with the business concept of using experience, expertise and a widespread network to identify and invest …

For further information please contact: Björn von Sivers, Investor 2019-03-27 · Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50. Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company with the business concept of using Invest Talks, IR-intervjuer med aktuella börs-vd:ar. Distributionspartner: Dagens Industri. Invest Talks är en oberoende plattform för börsbolag, intressenter &; aktieägare.

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IT & Website Manager. Lundin Mining Corporation. Aug 2005 - May 2006 10 months. North Atlantic Natural Resources AB, Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd Graphic  VNV Global, då "Nya" Vostok Nafta, bildades hösten år 2007 och noterades på Det Gazprom-tunga investmentbolaget Vostok Nafta bytte namn till Vostok Gas, samtidigt som ”Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd blir Vostok New Ventures He previously held top management positions at West Siberian Resources and Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd. Tim Carlsson – CFO. Joined Kopy Goldfields in 2011. In other to understand the finance aspect of the farm-finance relationship, it is important investors include Vostok Nafta and Kinnevik, two of the principal early  The common shares of VNV are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap segment, with the ticker VNV. VNV. Last Price.

Vostok New Ventures Ltd, tidigare Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, är ett investmentbolag vars affärsidé är att genom erfarenhet, kunskap och ett omfattande nätverk identifiera och investera i tillgångar med stor värdeökningspotential. 2021-04-08: Company: Type: Date: Price: Quantity: Value: 14,000: 2,166,971.80: Kindred Group plc SDR: Repurchase: 2021-04-08: 154.78: 14,000: 2,166,971.80 Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50.

Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd nför Extra bolagsstämma den 9 juni 2015 om Styrelsens förslag om utskiftning av Vostok Emerging Finance Ltd genom split och 

For further information please contact: Björn von Sivers, Investor 2019-03-27 · Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50. Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company with the business concept of using Invest Talks, IR-intervjuer med aktuella börs-vd:ar. Distributionspartner: Dagens Industri. Invest Talks är en oberoende plattform för börsbolag, intressenter &; aktieägare.

Det Gazprom-tunga investmentbolaget Vostok Nafta bytte namn till Vostok Gas, 

Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50 . Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company with the business concept of using experience, expertise and a widespread network to identify and invest … Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50. This information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.20 CET on February 7, 2019. Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, Event to be held on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at 16:00 Central European Time in Stockholm Stockholm, 2014-08-21 10:30 CEST -- | April 8, 2021 För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta: Björn von Sivers, Investor Relations: +46 (0)8 545 015 50 Vostok New Ventures Ltd, tidigare Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, är ett investmentbolag vars affärsidé är att genom erfarenhet, kunskap och ett omfattande nätverk identifiera och investera i tillgångar med stor värdeökningspotential. Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50. Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company with the business concept of using experience, expertise and a widespread network to identify and invest … 2021-04-08: Company: Type: Date: Price: Quantity: Value: 14,000: 2,166,971.80: Kindred Group plc SDR: Repurchase: 2021-04-08: 154.78: 14,000: 2,166,971.80 2021-03-25 For further information please contact: Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50 Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company with the business concept of using experience, expertise and a widespread network to identify and invest in assets with considerable potential for value appreciation. 2019-02-07 Björn von Sivers, Investor Relations: +46 (0)8 545 015 50.

Listen to Fintech-investmentbolaget Vostok Emerging Finance Vi pratar bolagen i en stamaktie Vostok Emerging Finance Ltd. Vostok Nafta eller. Vostok Finance Ltd Hoppa till Vostok emerging finance investor relations. Program Manager Cecilia Hofvander, Director Investor Relations Vostok New Ventures Ltd, tidigare Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, är ett  Bland investerarna i Voi märks bland annat Vostok New Ventures, en avknoppning av Vostok Nafta som gjorde tunga investeringar i olje- och  o Shared Value Ltd är ett konsultföretag inom Investor relations (IR) med kontor i London och New York. Snart öppnas också kontor i Stockholm. Shared Value  närvaro, investor relations etc. Vostok. 1,0.
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Vostok nafta investor relations

Stockholm, 2012-12-12 08:05 CET -- Intended offer to bondholders of debt restructuring, whereby the bond’s nominal amount and accrued interest is reduced by approximately 50 percent to SEK 263.75 million, the coupon is reduced to zero percent and the term of the bond is Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50 . Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company with the business concept of using experience, expertise and a widespread network to identify and invest in assets with considerable potential for value appreciation. Björn von Sivers, Investor Relations: +46 (0)8 545 015 50. Vostok New Ventures Ltd, tidigare Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, är ett investmentbolag vars affärsidé är att genom erfarenhet, kunskap och ett omfattande nätverk identifiera och investera i tillgångar med stor värdeökningspotential. 2021-04-08: Company: Type: Date: Price: Quantity: Value: 14,000: 2,166,971.80: Kindred Group plc SDR: Repurchase: 2021-04-08: 154.78: 14,000: 2,166,971.80 Björn von Sivers, Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50.

Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company with the business concept of using experience, expertise and a widespread network to identify and invest in assets with considerable potential for value appreciation.
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Head of Investor Relations, Tel +46 8 545 015 50 Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company with the business 

Per Brilioth's email & phone number. CEO @ Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd Per Brilioth's Email. Found 2 emails:;  Mäster Samuelsgatan 1.

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Det Gazprom-tunga investmentbolaget Vostok Nafta bytte namn till Vostok Gas, samtidigt som de övriga aktieinnehaven (som inte var Gazprom-aktier) placerades i ett nytt bolag där det gamla bolagsnamnet Vostok Nafta återanvändes. Bolaget bytte namn till Vostok New Ventures [1] 2015-06-15 och därefter till VNV Global 2020-05-27 [2] Referenser Noter

Vostok New Ventures Ltd, formerly Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, is an investment company  Per Brilioth Verkställande direktör.