The Nordic Ski Wax Widget recommends a certain ski wax (e.g. SWIX - Red Klister) depending on temperature and snow condition (old snow vs. new snow).


Rex Blue Klister (14F to 23F Icy Snow) For icy and hard track. Famous for its durability. In abrasive conditions can be used as a base wax for other klisters and grip waxes. Rex Gold Klister (19F to 37F Man-made Snow) A new product for coarse snow, man-made snow and glazed tracks. Tested and approved by all major world cup teams in cross country.

Nu finns produkten i kundvagnen. Till kassan 1. Lagerstatus Lagervara SKI TIME TEST; Montana; Holmenkol. Gleitwax; Steigzone; Belag; Kanten; Spanner & Tische; KX75 Red Extra Wet Klister 2C/15C (KX75) Sofort ab Lager 10,90 Fr. * In Tar is good for avoiding icing in new snow, but so is kick wax that isn’t klister! I always find that Nera has less kick than I expect – I consider it more of a cold klister than the advertised -2 to +5 range.

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However, less than ideal is a  By “edging” the waxing iron you get a controlled equal distribution of the klister. High wear resistance and adhesion. Scraper included. 55g. KX30 ICE KLISTER  Only in 1913 KLISTER appears, invented and patented by Østbye, based on vegetable resins and tar. It made possible uphill walk even on frozen or wet snow   Classic waxes rank in two categories, sticks or klisters. Sticks are designed for fresh snow conditions, for snow that hasn't transformed yet.

Protection Products: 19. 1; K21S Uni Silver Klister 3C In general, klister is required for classic skiing on waxable skis when the snow is icy, slushy or really wet. With these conditions, snow will not stick into the hard wax, which results in no kick.

An excellent wax for wet/icing conditions if used together with GF and KF grip waxes. In case of coarse snow, the operating range extends all the way down to -7°C 

The kick zone is the area of the ski, that you push down in the snow when you are doing the kick that makes you move. On most cross country skis this zone goes from the heel of the boot and 40 - 50 cm in the direction of the tip of the ski. Skidvalla skiwax röd klister.

Universalklister. • Lila klister. Vallor som behövs i ett grundpaket för glidvallning är: • Grundparaffin för grundvallning samt rengöring av skidor. • Paraffin 0 till -4.

Start Universal Plus Klister är en praktisk klistervalla som är lätt att använda. Temperaturområde: +10°C till +1°C Innehåll: 55 gram FILM OM HUR DU  FÄSTE: 1. VÄRM IN ETT TUNT LAGER CHOLA KLISTER.

st. Lägg i kundvagnen. Nu finns produkten i kundvagnen. Till kassan 1. Sörmlands museum, Europeana.
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Klister ski wax

Swix KX45 violett klister+4--2. -30%. Logo.

Swix K22N VM UNIVERSAL klister provides improved flexibility Vauhti GS Violet Liquid Grip wax -1°-7°  Choosing Start Easy liquid kick and glide waxes, you prepare tour skis easy and fast. Racers. Start ski wax line offers full range of waxes for all racers.
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Denna artikel innehåller reklam genom annonslänkar för Skistart typ av valla, om du vallat med klister, om du ska resa med skidorna eller vid säsongens slut. Varmsickling innebär att du, precis som när du glidvallar, lägger på ett paraffin.

Goodwin, however, seldom uses glide wax in the field. Rather, he applies it to his skis a few times a season with a hot iron after removing the old kick wax with a scraper and commercial wax remover.

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Optiwax KLISTER RED. 179,00 krPris. Antal. Lägg i kundvagn. Special klister for wet snow. Phone · Email · Facebook · Instagram 

KN44 $39.99 × SHIPPING. HAVE Skin Ski Wax Kit mängd Lägg i varukorg Artikelnr: 63659 Kategorier: Fästvallor , Fluorfria paraffiner , HF/LF (fluor) fästvalla , Övriga produkter Taggar: skinskidor , skinvalla finnish ski wax manufacturer vauhti launch environmentaly friendly and sustainable ski wax collection with innovative raw materials from nature Vauhti’s new 360° products will reform the ski wax market and move the product selection into a environmentally friendly direction where raw materials used are coming from nature. Kick wax is only applied to the zone under the binding of the ski leaving the tips and tails of the ski free for glide waxing. Because klister is meant to be applied very thick, your klister "zone" or klister "pocket" is shorter than your normal hardwax grip zone - usually shorter by an inch or two at the front and back of the grip zone. Buy Klister K20 Wax (Violet) -1°C/+2°C 55g by Swix from our Ski Wax & Irons range - Purple, Ski Servicing, Servicing, Wax, Nordic Wax - @ Ski Bartlett Clean the grip zone with ski wax remover liquid.