3 Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies time, they become the first to buy new products and they reduce the uncertainty for other consumers (Solomon, Marshall & Stuart 2008). The marketing policy of Windows 95 governed by Microsoft has shown the influence and power of opinion leaders (Rosen 2000).


On the future role of artificial intelligence in marketing strategy formulation (2020). Eriksson. M, Bigi. A, Bonera. M. The TQM Journal, Vol. 32, nr.

Publisher: Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group. 111 Issues are available. Fast Track. Journal of Strategic Marketing publishes papers on key aspects of the interface between marketing and strategic management. It is a vehicle for discussing long-range activities where marketing has a role to play in managing the long-term objectives and strategies of companies. Journal of Strategic Marketing publishes papers on key aspects of the interface between marketing and strategic management.

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Social. Mail Read the latest articles of Journal of Business Research at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature Collaboration between marketing and operational areas is critical to business success. Despite this, in practice most companies suffer hostile and adversarial relationships between these functions. Existing research has not sufficiently addressed Vinerean, S., 2017. Importance of Strategic Social Media Marketing. Expert Journal of Marketing, 5(1), 28-35. 30 from other people’s experiences with a certain marketing offering.

Follow. Hybrid. E-ISSN: 1466-4488.

Journal of Strategic Marketing publishes papers on key aspects of the interface between marketing and strategic management. It is a vehicle for discussing long-range activities where marketing has a role to play in managing the long-term objectives and strategies of companies.

It is the premier outlet for substantive research in marketing. 3 Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies time, they become the first to buy new products and they reduce the uncertainty for other consumers (Solomon, Marshall & Stuart 2008).

Marketing strategy and strategy can be sabotaged by poor implementation’. marketing performance. European Management Therefore, if the marketing manager has decided to attain Journal, 28: 139-152.

He was Senior/Associate editor for Services Industries Journal, International Journal of Emerging Markets and European Journal of International Management for 3 years.

International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business  The model helps in formulating an effective strategic marketing plan to drive superior business performance. This paper adopted Susman's action research model  First, Varadarajan's (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38, 119–140, 2010 ) approach focuses on strategic marketing's (1) domain, (2) definition,  Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal When using a digital marketing strategy, the company needs to build a. der markt - International Journal of Marketing (eingestellt 2013) International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship Journal of Strategic Marketing. the future is here. Susanne Schwarzl, Monika Grabowska “Online marketing strategies: the future is here”,.
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158), with tongue firmly in cheek, perfectly summarise the general attitude in strategic marketing thinking: 'intuition-based testosterone-driven marketing decision making is always bad and logic, analysis, and rationality is always the way to go'. 2017-8-16 Argues that “Green Marketing” is taking shape as one of the key business strategies of the future, and that the increasing environmental consciousness makes it incumbent on consumer marketers not just to respond to it, but to lead the way in environmental programs. Sets forth the need and recommendations for incorporating environmental concerns into strategic marketing planning of the Vinerean, S., 2017. Importance of Strategic Social Media Marketing.

Journal of International Marketing is a peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated to advancing international marketing practice, research, and theory.
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Journal of Strategic Marketing Publishes research that bridges the disciplines of marketing and strategic management and addresses the role marketing plays in the management of strategy. Search in: This Journal Anywhere

Sousa, C. M., & Bradley, F. (2005). Global markets: does psychic distance matter? Journal of Strategic Marketing,  The data capture the development of strategic marketing over the most recent Referentgranskad vetenskaplig tidskrift, European Journal of Marketing. Educational Research Review, 2009 - Elsevier.

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Journal of Strategic Marketing publishes papers on key aspects of the interface between marketing and strategic management. It is a vehicle for discussing long-range activities where marketing has a role to play in managing the long-term objectives and strategies of companies.

Follow. Hybrid. E-ISSN: 1466-4488. Print-ISSN: 0965-254X. Follow. Publisher: Taylor and Francis. Website: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjsm20.