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CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE 98% MSDS CAS No: 1333-82-0 MSDS SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Product identifier Product form : Substance Trade name : Chromium Trioxide EC index no : 024-001-00-0 EC no : 215-607-8 CAS No : 1333-82-0 Product code : 02820 Formula : CrO3 Synonyms : Chromium(VI) Oxide

This compound is a dark-purple solid under anhydrous conditions, bright orange when wet and which dissolves in water concomitant with hydrolysis. Millions of kilograms are produced annually, mainly for electroplating. Chromium trioxide is a powerful oxidiser and a carcinogen. Chromium trioxide Names IUPAC name Chromium trioxide Other names C Product Description: Chromium (VI) oxide Cat No. : C/5920/53, C/5920/50 Synonyms Chromium trioxide; Chromic acid; Chromic anhydride CAS-No 1333-82-0 EC-No. 215-607-8 Molecular Formula Cr O3 Reach Registration Number 01-2119458868-17 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Recommended Use Laboratory

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6030. Methylene Blue (For Microscopy). "250gm. LR. MSDS. 6029. Methylene Blue (For Microscopy). 100gm.


CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE Solution to 15% MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET INTEGRA Chemical Company 24 Hour Emergency Response: CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 (Outside USA 703-527-3887 MSDS Number: C605.8P Revision Date: 23-Jul-08 Page 1 Revision No.: 004 1216 6th Ave N Kent WA 98032 Phone: 253-479-7000 Product Identification Product Name: CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE Solution to 15%

CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE Store locked up. OSHA SDS #: 25426 rev 101 3/27/2015 CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE.

Chromium trioxide (CrO3). 1333-82-0. 0.50. 4. Chromium trioxide. (CrO3). 1333-82- MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR. WHMIS Hazard 

pricing and availability, images, and datasheet for nsn 6810002646517 chemBlink provides samples of SDS, Safety Data Sheets, for Chromium trioxide, CAS 1333-82-0 MSDS NAME:CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE,CHROMIC ACID NIIN:00-264-3939 MSDS Number: BWCBS === Responsible Party === Company:AMERICAN CHROME & CHEMICAL INC, HARCROS CHEM GROUP Address:3800 BUDDY LAWRENCE DRIVE Box:9912 City:CORPUS CHRISTI State:TX ZIP:78469 Country:US Info Phone Num:512-883-5145 Emergency Phone Num:512-883-6421 CAGE:AMCHC === Contractor In industry, chromic acid refers to chromium(サ) oxide or chromium trioxide (CrO 3). This substance decomposes above 250 C to chromic oxide and oxygen.

Signs & Symptoms of Exposure Skin Redness, burns, itching, pain. Eyes Burns, watering eyes, pain. 2013-09-04 · CHROMIUM GREEN OXIDE MSDS 1. PRODUCT NAME AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: CHROMIUM GREEN OXIDE Trade Name: Chromium Green Oxide Chemical Family: Metal Oxide CAS Number: 1308-38-9 Formula: Cr2O3 C.I. Pigment Green 17 C.I. No. 77288 Product Use: Personal Care Formulations Company Name: Natural Sourcing CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE 98% MSDS CAS No: 1333-82-0 MSDS SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1.
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Chromium trioxide msds

CHROMIC ACID FLAKE. Chromium(VI)oxide(1:3);chromic acid, solid; chromic anhydride. 1333-82-0.

011-703-527-3887 Chromic oxide Revision Date 17-Jan-2018 Chromium (III) oxide - - X - Clean Air Act Component HAPS Data Class 1 Ozone DepletorsClass 2 Ozone Depletors Chromium (III) oxide X - OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration Not applicable CERCLA Not applicable California Proposition 65 This product does not contain any Proposition 65 chemicals. U.S. State Right-to-Know Chromium Trioxide >99 1333-82-0 215-607-8 CrO. 3 . 99.99 g/mol .
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15 Dec 2020 International Air Transportation (ICAO/IATA). Proper shipping name: Chromium trioxide, anhydrous mixture. Hazard class or division: 5.1 (6.1, 8).

Move casualty to fresh air and keep at rest. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If … CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE Solution to 15% MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET INTEGRA Chemical Company 24 Hour Emergency Response: CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 (Outside USA 703-527-3887 MSDS Number: C605.8P Revision Date: 23-Jul-08 Page 1 Revision No.: 004 1216 6th Ave N Kent WA 98032 Phone: 253-479-7000 Product Identification Product Name: CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE Solution to 15% Chromium trioxide is an inorganic compound with the formula CrO3.

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2 Jan 2020 CAS#. Product Name. %. Einecs#. 1333-82-0. Chromium (VI) Oxide. 99. 215-607 -8. (Chromium Trioxide). No Components need to be Disclosed 

1333-82-0. Various uses. Chromium trioxide, anhydrous; Class 5.1, 6.1  4 May 2017 Chromium Trioxide: Chromium hexavalent compound - Known to be a human Existing Safety Data Sheet (SDS), EU Data: Harmonised  18 Oct 2013 chromia / chromium (VI) oxide / chromic anhydride / chromic trioxide / chromium chromium oxide,red / monochromium oxide / red oxide of chromium Information in this SDS is from available published sources and is&nbs 10 Nov 2015 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet. SDS Contact (email of responsible Weight-%. Trade Secret. Chromium trioxide.