Flaccus grew up with the sons of Augustus' daughter, and was in later years a friend of Tiberius, under whom he was for five years prefect of Egypt. Philo himself says (§ 3) that he filled his office peacefully and uprightly, surpassing all his predecessors.


He must have reappeared and, surprising as it seems, must, if Philo’s account is true, have persuaded Flaccus that he was a friend on whose advice he could rely. What charges he and Lampo brought against Flaccus we are not told, but a trial was held in which Flaccus was condemned, his property confiscated and himself sentenced to deportation (146–150).

Philo Judaeus, ca. SBLHS §8.3.6 includes guidelines for citing the works of Philo. In Flaccum, Against Flaccus. chen Provinz Ägypten, Flaccus, während ihrer blutigen Verfolgung durch den alexandrinischen Pöbel protestierte (Leg.Gai.1 und 182).2 Philo ent- stammte  Philo는 Flaccus가 폭도들이 Caligula의 동상을 세울 수 있도록 허용했다고 썼습니다. 하느님— 유태인 회당 알렉산드리아의 전례없는 도발.

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Torture of the women in the theatre. that this reflects Philo's view of the  Philo , Vetu'rius - Philon CARPATHIUS · > Aulus Persius Flaccus His father Flaccus died six years afterwards; his mother, Fulvia Sisennia married as her  Philo von Alexandria: Die Werke in deutscher Übersetzung. Band 7: Mit einem Sachweiser zu Philo | Cohn, Leopold, Heinemann, Isaak, Adler, Maximilian,  According to Philo,. Flaccus had been a fine prefect before the rise of Gaius and had been fair and just with both Jews and Greeks in Alexandria – not an easy  Translations in context of "Flaccus" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Quintus Fulvius Flaccus was one of The Works of Philo Judaeus - Flaccus, VI. 1 Mar 2018 Philo of Alexandria (a.k.a.

Age. is admitted even by his archenemy Philo.l70 However, Flaccus bad, or. Roberto Radice and David Runia, Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography Philo on Contemporary Issues (Flaccus, Gaius Caligula, Apologia ).

Ok predicadhe ther første man cristnu tro Philo wisaste iudha mæstare scrifuer. ther fyri læt flaccus bæria nichodemum til {hans} dødh. thy at han wilde [oc] ey 

1 Mar 2018 Philo of Alexandria (a.k.a. Philo Judaeus, ca.

1 Apr 2005 Philo's Flaccus: The First Pogrom. Introduction, Translation and Commentary Pieter W. van der Horst xii + 277 (Philo of Alexandria Commentary 

(författare) Alternativt namn: Van der Horst, Pieter Willem Verk som ingår i eller hör samman med denna titel. Filon: In Flaccum.

8 Philo, Flacc. 97–190.
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Philo Judaeus Om Essaeerne: Therapeuterne Och Therapeutriderna, Judarnas Forfoljelse Under Flaccus Och Legationem Till Cajus Caligula, Samt Smarre, .

Since In Flaccum is our only source for the anti-Jewish pogrom in Alexandria in the year 38 CE, it is of the utmost significance for the study of the origins and early history of antisemitism. The events of 38, followed in 40 CE by Caligula’s project to have a statue of himself erected in the Jerusalem temple, are known mainly through Philo’s so-called historical treatises Against Flaccus (Flacc.) and The Embassy to Gaius (Legat.), as well as Josephus’ account in Jewish Antiquities (18.257-309 for the description of the episode related to Caligula’s project, and 19.278-292 for the events after the emperor’s death, and Claudius’ decrees). In Against Flaccus, Philo describes the situation of the Jews in Egypt, writing that they numbered not less than a million and inhabited two of the five districts in Alexandria.
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26. Nov. 2020 Φίλων, Phílōn, latinisiert Philo Alexandrinus oder Philo Iudaeus; * um 15/10 v. Chr.; † nach 40 n. In Flaccum, Gegen Flaccus, Flaccus, Flacc.

Since In Flaccum is our only source for the anti-Jewish pogrom in Alexandria in the year 38 CE, it is of the utmost significance for the study of the origins and early history of antisemitism. The events of 38, followed in 40 CE by Caligula’s project to have a statue of himself erected in the Jerusalem temple, are known mainly through Philo’s so-called historical treatises Against Flaccus (Flacc.) and The Embassy to Gaius (Legat.), as well as Josephus’ account in Jewish Antiquities (18.257-309 for the description of the episode related to Caligula’s project, and 19.278-292 for the events after the emperor’s death, and Claudius’ decrees). In Against Flaccus, Philo describes the situation of the Jews in Egypt, writing that they numbered not less than a million and inhabited two of the five districts in Alexandria.

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Philo’s treatise on Aulus Avillius Flaccus, prefect of Egypt 32–38 c.e. describes Flaccus’s mistreatment of the Jewish community of Alexandria during the anti-Judean¹ riots of 38, and his subsequent arrest, exile and execution.

41/45 körül), röviden gyakran csak Philo, görög nyelvű zsidó filozófus A certain date known from his life comes from his account of the great pogrom in Alexandria which started in AD 38 under the prefect Flaccus, during the reign of the Roman emperor Gaius Caligula. Philo was then chosen to head a delegation (On the Embassy to Gaius 370) sent in AD 39/40 by the Jewish community to Gaius Caligula in Rome. By the time Philo paid a call on the Emperor Gaiusaka the colorfully murderous, pan-sexual Caligulato ask him to fire his anti-Jewish Governor Aulus Avilius Flaccus and stop the riots, two of the five quarters of Alexandria, the New York City of the Roman world, were mostly Jewish. 1 Sep 2005 Related with Philo's Flaccus: The First Pogrom (Philo Of Alexandria. Commentary Series (Society Of Biblical Literature), V. 2.) (Philo Of. a) Flaccus.